Mr. Harry Rothenberg – Video

Mr. Harry Rothenberg

Harry Rothenberg, Esq., an Ohr Somayach alumnus, magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, and partner at The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP (, is best known for his successes in the courtroom on behalf of victims of catastrophic injury. Harry is equally passionate about speaking on Jewish topics. A sought-after lecturer for his crowd-pleasing talks, Harry’s signature project is this popular weekly video blog about Jewish holidays and the Torah portion of the week.

The Story of Harry Rothenberg, Esq. on Meaningful People

Ohr Somayach alumnus, Harry Rothenberg Esq. speaks on meaningful people.

Hostage Release: Parshat Bo

A time for mourning and a time for joy.

Gratitude: Parshat Va’eira

We have so many opportunities to say thank you.

No Words: Parshat Vayechi

Jacob’s master class in self-restraint.

What If?: Parshat Vayigash

A lesson from Saquon Barkley’s historic season.

Not Me: Parshat Mikeitz/Chanukah

Joseph’s Chanukah lesson for all of us.

The Haunted Hotel: Parshat Vayishlach

What is it like to spend a night in the former headquarters of Hitler Youth?

Forever Young: Parshat Vayeitzei

What is the secret to extending your life?