Parsha489 Videos

How the Japanese Saved the Jews – Parshat Yitro

During World War II some 40,000 Jews found themselves under Japanese occupation in Manchuria, China and countries of South East Asia. Virtually all of them survived the war, but the Germans repeatedly pressured the Japanese to implement their "Final Solution." This is a famous story of how The Amshinover Rebbe, zt"l dissuaded the Japanese from complying with Hitler's dictate.

Holy Children in a Toxic World – Parshat Vayetzei

Bringing up normal, well-adjusted, and hopefully holy children, in our day and age seems to be a daunting task. How can we succeed against a world glitter and selfishness?

Weapons of Mass Distraction – Parshat Mishpatim

If the original sound of the giving of the Torah never fades, how come we don't hear it anymore?

The Runaway Train – Parshat Vayeshev

Sometimes people can be as destructive as a runaway train. How do you stop them? An insight based on Parshat Vayeshev.

Psst – Wanna Fake Rolex? – Behalotecha

Is it true that "You can't always get what you want?"

Do Jews Have Horns? – Parshat Vayikra

Michaelangelo may have been the greatest sculptor who ever lived, but his knowledge of Jewish anatomy was a bit off.

The Great ‘Blander’ – Parshat Tetzave

If you had your choice, would you choose to live in a world with the potential for great good but the danger of great evil, or a blend of the two resulting in a great blandness?

Empowering Others – Parshat Miketz

Paul O'Neill's tenure at ALCO Aluminum Company as CEO from 1987 to 2000 increased the value of the company's shares five times, and its market capitalization by $27 billion. How did he do it?

We Are Family – Parshat Bamidbar

The Jewish People are like one soul in many bodies.

The Power of Prayer – Parshat Va’etchanan

Praying every day isn't easy. But if you've ever prayed well - even once - it leaves you a different person. Moshe says in Parshat Va'etchanan, “And I beseeched God at that time saying,” the phrase “at that time saying” seems redundant, but Moshe was hinting here to a prayer for the future."