Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair has been part of Ohr Somayach since 1987. Rabbi Sinclair gives a daily Gemara shiur in the Intermediate Program and a weekly philosophy shiur in the Mechina Program. He is a senior staff writer of the Torah internet publications Ohrnet, Torah Weekly and Seasons of the Moon. His articles have been published in many journals and magazines including the Jewish Observer, American Jewish Spirit, AJOP Newsletter, Zurich’s Die Jüdische Zeitung, South African Jewish Report and many others. His first book Seasons of the Moon – the Auerbach Edition

Freeing the Hostages – Parshat Shofetim

In Parshat Shofetim, the Torah mandates the creation of judges and enforcement officers, "You shall place judges and officers in all your gates…" Why is it necessary to have both judges and enforcement officers? Why couldn’t the judges also be the enactors of its enforcement?

I Think It’s Gonna Work Out Fine – A song about Moshiach

What I did on my hols'... This is a song about Moshiach - the Messiah. "Maybe – today’s the day he’s going to come. Crazy? I’m used to people making fun. But everyday I’ll wait for him And no delay, my faith will dim. I just know - I think it’s gonna work out fine. "Take me a mile above the setting sun! I’ll wait there till all is seen and said and done. But one day soon the clouds will clear, And all the world, His voice will hear, I just know, I think it’s gonna work out fine. "I think it's gonna work out fine. I think it's gonna work out fine." The tune was originally written by McCoy and McKinney. Ry Cooder's version introduced the guitar riff.

The Jews Run the World! – Parshat Va’etchanan

Every person is priceless. A smile says, ‘You matter.’ A hello says, 'I noticed you – I didn’t cancel you.' A nod says, ‘You are in my world - I didn’t remove you from my radar. I respect you because you have a neshama – even when you make choices I wouldn’t make; even when you’re wrong.'

Tisha B’Av 5784 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Free Love – A Tikun for Tisha B’Av

Every person is priceless. A smile says, ‘You matter.’ A hello says, 'I noticed you – I didn’t cancel you.' A nod says, ‘You are in my world - I didn’t remove you from my radar. I respect you because you have a neshama – even when you make choices I wouldn’t make; even when you’re wrong.'

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 20 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Beyond Your Greatest Dreams! Parshat Mattot- Masei

"We have lived so long in darkness and in captivity that our horizons have shrunk, our aspirations dwindled. We have no idea what it will be like when the Moshiach comes, but when he arrives, it will be beyond our greatest dreams." Thanks to all!

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 19 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Everything Is for the Good – Parshat Pinchas

Everything Hashem does is for the good. Just sometimes it’s difficult to see it. We’re living in a time where it’s very difficult to see that everything Hashem is doing for the Jewish People leading to a day of great light.

Book Burning and the Seventeenth of Tammuz

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 18 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

The Last Carriage of History – Parshat Balak

Even when the night is closing in and we feel very much alone, we should know that Hashem is there with us every mile of the journey, and that we have nothing to fear.