Yom Kippur24 Videos

Class Action: Yom Kippur

You have the opportunity to represent those who are similarly situated

Fear of Elul

Right now, faced with the prospect of having to turn my life and my emotions upside down, I go into a panic that results in total spiritual paralysis. Fear of Elul.

Why Are the Prayers of Yom Kippur So Repetitive?

We confess ten times on Yom Kippur for our sins, and we seem to say the Thirteen Attributes of God's mercy over and over again. Is all this repetition really necessary?

The Day the Music Died – Sukkot

Music has a tremendous power - for the good or the bad. It all depends on the soul of the composer and the musician.

Was It Worth Creating the World for Me?

Rosh Hashana is the anniversary of the creation of the first man. It's also the day on which God judges the whole world. What is the connection between the two?

Hide and Seek – Parshat Haazinu – Yom Kippur

When is God closest to us? On the day of no ‘hide and seek’ Please click below to see additional formats: