Holiday217 Videos

Four More Questions

A Pesach message from the Rosh Yeshiva

Irrepressibly Optimistic

A Pesach message from the Rosh Yeshiva

Purim 2

What is the significance of the astrological sign of the Jewish month of Adar?

Hoshana Rabbah: The Hidden Holiday

The last day of Sukkos is the last chance to secure a good judgement for the upcoming year. Don’t miss the opportunity....

People of the Moon

Have you ever noticed that from the Earth, the Sun and the Moon look exactly the same size? Is it just a coincidence? Maybe there's a deeper meaning to this?

Do You Hate Shabbat?

In the Purim story, Achashverosh, Ahasuerus, dresses himself as the High Priest in the Holy Temple. What did he hope to gain by doing this?

Purim 3

What is the significance of the astrological sign of the Jewish month of Adar?