An Amazing Hint – Parshat Tetzave – Video

An Amazing Hint – Parshat Tetzave

To kindle the light continually.” (27:20) If you count all the candles we light over the eight days of chanuka it comes to thirty-six. One on the first night, two on the second, together that’s three. On the third night, you’ll light another three, add that to the first two nights, that’s six. If you keep going till the eighth night like this, the number youwillcome to is 36. This is way beit hillel say we should light. Even though we light one candle on the first night and add another one night like beit hillel, the opinion of beit shammai, is that we should start in a blaze ofgloryon the first night with eight candles and work our way down to one on the last night. It says in parshat tetzave – ‘to kindle the light continually” — ‘light’ in the singular ” if you count backwards from parshat bereishit, if you go back thirty-six parshiot from the beginning of the torah, 36, 35, 43 etc, you’ll get to parshat tetzave, this week’s parsha, in which the torah talks about a ‘lamp’ in the singular . But if you count forward from bereishit, from the beginning of the torah, one two three, adding all the time, the 35th parsha you’ll get to is parshat behalosecha, where it says, “when you kindle the lamps…” lamps in the plural. In other words, if you go back, if you go down, you’ll get to this week’s parsha – lamp in the singular like beit shammai. And if you go forward, adding, going up, you’ll end up with lamps in the plural, like beit hillel.
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About the Author

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair has been part of Ohr Somayach since 1987. Rabbi Sinclair gives a daily Gemara shiur in the Intermediate Program and a weekly philosophy shiur in the Mechina Program. He is a senior staff writer of the Torah internet publications Ohrnet, Torah Weekly and Seasons of the Moon. His articles have been published in many journals and magazines including the Jewish Observer, American Jewish Spirit, AJOP Newsletter, Zurich’s Die Jüdische Zeitung, South African Jewish Report and many others. His first book Seasons of the Moon – the Auerbach Edition

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