Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair – Video

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair has been part of Ohr Somayach since 1987. Rabbi Sinclair gives a daily Gemara shiur in the Intermediate Program and a weekly philosophy shiur in the Mechina Program. He is a senior staff writer of the Torah internet publications Ohrnet, Torah Weekly and Seasons of the Moon. His articles have been published in many journals and magazines including the Jewish Observer, American Jewish Spirit, AJOP Newsletter, Zurich’s Die Jüdische Zeitung, South African Jewish Report and many others. His first book Seasons of the Moon – the Auerbach Edition

Wiggle Room! – Vayakhel

These are the things that Hashem commanded to do them:” (35:1) Here's a parable drawn from motorcycles to illustrate the concept of ‘bidieved’ - an untranslatable word usually translated as ‘after the fact.’ A mitzva has an ideal – lechatchila – way to be performed, but there is also a degree of latitude that, while not ideal, will still cause the mitzva to have its effect. That's 'bidieved.' But what's that got to do with motorcycles?

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 43 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Giving Leads to Love – Ki Tissa

We are in the middle of a period of spiritual uplift in the Jewish calendar . A journey from the beginning of Adar to Pesach. This is how it unfolds..." A Freilichen Purim

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 42 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller zt”l

Rabbi Nota Schiller zt"l, the great Rosh HaYeshiva of Ohr Somayach passed away last Shabbat. These are a few words in honor of his passing.

The Last Word – Tetzave

Although AI is still very much in its infancy, it’s clear that the basic skills of drawing and painting, of music, and much more, are becoming redundant. Why spend 5 years in art school when you can create a Turner or a Dutch Master with a few computer commands?

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 41 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Teruma – A Deeper Understanding

What’s the connection between Shema and Teruma? Our Sages tell us that one fiftieth is the average tithe that a farmer should give to the kohen from his grain and produce. The Vilna Gaon explains that the word 'terumah' is an allusion to 'trei m’meah', meaning two out of one hundred, which is one fiftieth. But if the word ‘teruma’ is hinting at a fiftieth, why use a word that hints to two parts in a hundred?

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 40 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Unraveling the Future – Mishpatim

The BBC reports that a badly burnt scroll from the Roman town of Herculaneum has been digitally "unwrapped", providing the first look inside it for 2,000 years. The document, which looks like a lump of charcoal, was charred by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79CE and is too fragile to ever be physically opened. Last year, a similar team managed to read about 5% of another Herculaneum scroll. Its subject was Greek Epicurean philosophy, which teaches that fulfilment in life can be found through the pleasure of everyday things. It struck me as ironic that an ancient scroll, which is now lifeless carbon, should glorify the pleasures of this world, whereas another ancient scroll, our holy Torah, which doesn’t need electrons to be accelerated to light speed to make out its message, should teach that life’s fulfilment is be found by taking the everyday things in our life and elevating them to a level of transcendence and eternity.

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 39 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Digital Torah 1.0 – Yitro

The Torah is a ‘digital communication.’ It never loses its original pristine holiness, however much it is surrounded by the background noise and static of this physical world.