Harry’s Video Blog
The Story of Harry Rothenberg, Esq. on Meaningful People
Ohr Somayach alumnus, Harry Rothenberg Esq. speaks on meaningful people.
Harry Rothenberg, Esq., a partner at The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP https://www.injurylawyer.com/ and magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School and an alumnus Ohr Somayach, is best known for his successes in the courtroom on behalf of victims of catastrophic injury. Harry is equally passionate about speaking on Jewish topics. A sought-after lecturer for his crowd-pleasing talks, Harry’s signature project is this popular weekly video blog about Jewish holidays and the Torah portion of the week.
Too Much Time on My Hands: Parshat Vayakhel
Got any free time?
The Forgotten Hostage: Purim
If we stop believing in G-d, our enemies win.
Light Up Your Life: Parshat Tetzaveh
Torah study is for everyone.
Danger Zone: Parshat Terumah
What is the greatest threat to the Jewish people?
The Oral Law: Parshat Mishpatim
How do we know that there must be an Oral Law in addition the written Torah?
Learn or Lose: Parshat Yitro
Jalen Hurts’ teachable moment.
Never Too Late: Parshat Beshalach
A sincere prayer is always heard.
Hostage Release: Parshat Bo
A time for mourning and a time for joy.
Gratitude: Parshat Va’eira
We have so many opportunities to say thank you.
Do We Want to Be Great? – Parshat Shemot
Our choices can change our lives.
No Words: Parshat Vayechi
Jacob’s master class in self-restraint.
What If?: Parshat Vayigash
A lesson from Saquon Barkley’s historic season.
Not Me: Parshat Mikeitz/Chanukah
Joseph’s Chanukah lesson for all of us.
The Haunted Hotel: Parshat Vayishlach
Don’t believe everything you hear.
The Haunted Hotel: Parshat Vayishlach
What is it like to spend a night in the former headquarters of Hitler Youth?
Forever Young: Parshat Vayeitzei
What is the secret to extending your life?
The Wake-up Call: Parshat Toldot
Why did G-d make sure that Jacob would have to resort to trickery in order to get the blessings of prosperity?
Awestruck: Parshat Chayei Sarah
Why do we need to be told exactly where Isaac and Rebecca met for the first time?
Role Models: Parshat Vayeira
Who or what inspired Abraham to pray for the wicked residents of Sedom?
Flood’s Over!: Parshat Noach
Why did Noah wait to leave the ark after he confirmed that the floodwaters had subsided?
The Sukkot Mindset
What is the essence of the holiday of Sukkot?
A Day Like Purim: Yom Kippur
What does my scary Purim costume have to do with Yom Kippur?
Just Ask: Rosh Hashana
2 stories for Rosh Hashana.
Same Day Delivery: Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeilech
We want it all, right now.
Today’s the Day: Parshat Ki Tavo
Any plans for today?
Not All Superheroes Wear Capes: Parshat Ki Teitzei
Always be ready to help.
I’ll Walk You Out: Parshat Shoftim
Why is it so important to escort guests out after they visit?
The Missing Laptop: Parshat Re’eh
When flying, always get to the airport gate early. But if you don’t, good things may still happen.
Fear Factor: Parshat Eikev
G-d only asks us for one thing.
Prepare for Take-Off: Parshat Va’etchanan
Why did Moses ask to see the land of Israel after G-d told him he could not enter it?