Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

344 Videos

Fear of Elul

Right now, faced with the prospect of having to turn my life and my emotions upside down, I go into a panic that results in total spiritual paralysis. Fear of Elul.

Gateway to Eternal Life – The Month of Shevat

There's a deeper side to the festival of Tu B'Shevat - the New Year for trees. It is also the celebration of our eternal life.

Are the Jews Traitors? – Parshat Shemot

A common accusation against Jews is that they hold a divided loyalty. This is true but it's not the divided loyalty that most people think.

I Spy With My Little Eye (Weekly Parsha)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Leading a Double Life (Jewish Understanding)

Judaism is about turning the present into the future before it becomes the past. The couples that are buried in the Cave of Machpela exemplified this idea.

A World of Kindness Parshat Pikudei

Wouldn't it be great if everybody was the same? People wouldn't argue with each other. Everyone would agree on everything. There'd be world peace in a flash. Wouldn't that be great? Why then did God create us so different?

Yom Kippur – Total Clarity (Jewish Holidays)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Finding Your Path PT 2 – Mesillas Yesharim (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Bechukotai – The Mouse And The Suit

“A for effort” usually means “you didn’t do very well”. In Torah learning, that’s the best accolade you can get. Please click below to see additional formats: