Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

350 Videos

‘Tis the Season of Unboxing Videos!

Over the next few days billions of presents will be un-boxed – and many re-boxed! What is the fascination of watching people doing this? Please click below to see additional formats:

“It’s Not What You Say…” – Parshat Ki Teitzei

Apparently, the Chafetz Chaim zt"l, was not a brilliant orator, however he was extremely compelling to listen to. What gave him this power?

“It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll” – Elul

Elul is a time of spiritual growth, but can we really grow by leaps and bounds? Please click below to see additional formats:

“I Experienced the Resurrection of the Dead” – A Deeper Understanding of Shavuot.

Two weeks ago, I experienced the resurrection of the dead. An EGC revealed I needed prompt medical attention. Baruch Hashem, I was spared. Hashem's kindness and mercy is overwhelming. This near-death experience led me to a new understanding of the giving of the Torah at Sinai, and the festival of Shavuot.

A Birthright Experience – Parshat Toldot

A university student experiences a life-changing birthright experience at a Jerusalem Shabbat table.

A First Class Ticket

There is no privilege without responsibilty. Being Jewish is a privilege - but it is also a responsibility.

A Jewish Woman’s Power – Parshat Pikudei

We often refer to God as "He" - but God's presence on earth, the "Shechina" is a femine noun. "He" is "She."

A Man of Spirit – Parshat Pinchas

An artist may be able to create without knowing how to teach others how to create. That doesn't make him less of an artist. But even if an artist is not a great teacher, given a pupil of spirit, that pupil will flourish with very little instruction. Yehoshua's was like the Moon. Because he was 'a man of spirit', he shone from the inspiration of his teacher Moshe.