Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

344 Videos

The Chosen People – Parshat Shelach

"...and indeed it is a Land that flows with milk and honey..." (13:27) God gave the Land of Israel for a specific purpose. Are we using the Land for that purpose? As of January 2025, The state of Louisiana will require public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. Said State’s Republican governor, Jeff Landry, “If you want people to respect the rule of law you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses.” It seems that the State of Louisiana remembers something that the State of Israel has forgotten."

Don’t Forget the Coke

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 14 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Bob Dylan Could Have Been a Rabbi! – Parshat Behalotecha

"When I think back over the many ex-observant Jews I‘ve known in my life, I often see a recurrent theme.  When they were young, their innocent questions about Judaism were often met with “Don’t ask questions – that’s the way we’ve always done it.” Often this attitude turned them into unwilling atheists. I’ve often thought that the highest paid teachers in the Jewish educational system should be the first grade rebbes. A child’s entire future spirituality may rest in their hands. If a child’s question, “How do we know that God exists?” is met by red-faced stammering and a response of, “You can’t ask questions like that!” the child may well conclude that the reason you can’t ask that question is because there’s no answer to it."

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 13 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

“I Experienced the Resurrection of the Dead” – A Deeper Understanding of Shavuot.

Two weeks ago, I experienced the resurrection of the dead. An EGC revealed I needed prompt medical attention. Baruch Hashem, I was spared. Hashem's kindness and mercy is overwhelming. This near-death experience led me to a new understanding of the giving of the Torah at Sinai, and the festival of Shavuot.

Messages From God – Parshat Bechukotai

God sends us messages all the time. But different people hear different messages from the same event.

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 12 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Is There Anyone Up There? Parshat Emor

On the one hand, the last seven months have been a frightening, disturbing, disorienting time , but they have also been most positive and inspiring.

Finding Your Path – Mesilas Yesharim PT 11 (Jewish Understanding)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – https://www.israelbookshoppublications.com/store/pc/The-Color-of-Heaven-54p652.htm Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery – http://www.seasonsofthemoon.com/

Ma Ashiv – An Original Song for Pesach!

A bit of history... The video is of the OHRchestra's first public appearance, at the OHR Somayach Simchas Beis Hashoeva about 5 years ago.