Seasons of the Moon21 Videos

What’s in a Name? – Noach

The three sons of Noach (Noah) represent three world views: "The world is what I can feel." "The world is what I can know." And "The world is more than I can know." Their three names reveal this.

Leaving Our Comfort Zone – Elul

One of the most difficult things in this world is to change. To become more than we are. To realize our true potential. We don't want to change. We'd rather sit by the pool and watch the water-lilies float-to-and-fro. Any true change is painful. The Hebrew month of Elul is the time that demands from us to leave our comfort zone and realize our true spiritual potential.

Sivan – Hearing is Believing

The ‘Shema’ is the basic credo of the Jewish People – that God is One. But why do we say, “Hear O Israel!” rather than “See O Israel!” or “Know O Israel!? Having trouble viewing this video? Please click below to see additional formats:

Tammuz – The Burning of the Torah

A hallmark of all repressive regimes is book burning. One of the tragedies that we mourn on the 17th of Tammuz is the burning of the Torah – the ultimate repression of the ultimate “book.” Having trouble viewing this video? Please click below to see additional formats:

People of the Moon

Have you ever noticed that from the Earth, the Sun and the Moon look exactly the same size? Is it just a coincidence? Maybe there's a deeper meaning to this?

The Hidden Light – The Month of Tevet

The light of Chanuka becomes dark in Tevet but it never disappears.

The Hum of the Universe – The Month of Tishrei

If you have the ears to hear, there is no silence at the heart of silence. There is music. A song being sung to the Creator of all.

Hollywood Exposed – Kislev

What is Hollywood's real agenda? An expose of Hollywood and its connection to the festival of Chanuka - Seasons Of The Moon - Kislev

Why you should laugh when things look really bad

A shiur that delves into the deeper connection between the laughter, music and the month of Adar.