Parsha – Video

Parsha561 Videos

Weapons of Mass Distraction – Parshat Mishpatim

If the original sound of the giving of the Torah never fades, how come we don't hear it anymore?

The Runaway Train – Parshat Vayeshev

Sometimes people can be as destructive as a runaway train. How do you stop them? An insight based on Parshat Vayeshev.

Psst – Wanna Fake Rolex? – Behalotecha

Is it true that "You can't always get what you want?"

Do Jews Have Horns? – Parshat Vayikra

Michaelangelo may have been the greatest sculptor who ever lived, but his knowledge of Jewish anatomy was a bit off.

The Great ‘Blander’ – Parshat Tetzave

If you had your choice, would you choose to live in a world with the potential for great good but the danger of great evil, or a blend of the two resulting in a great blandness?

Empowering Others – Parshat Miketz

Paul O'Neill's tenure at ALCO Aluminum Company as CEO from 1987 to 2000 increased the value of the company's shares five times, and its market capitalization by $27 billion. How did he do it?

We Are Family – Parshat Bamidbar

The Jewish People are like one soul in many bodies.

The Power of Prayer – Parshat Va’etchanan

Praying every day isn't easy. But if you've ever prayed well - even once - it leaves you a different person. Moshe says in Parshat Va'etchanan, “And I beseeched God at that time saying,” the phrase “at that time saying” seems redundant, but Moshe was hinting here to a prayer for the future."

The Jews Run the World! – Parshat Va’etchanan

Every person is priceless. A smile says, ‘You matter.’ A hello says, 'I noticed you – I didn’t cancel you.' A nod says, ‘You are in my world - I didn’t remove you from my radar. I respect you because you have a neshama – even when you make choices I wouldn’t make; even when you’re wrong.'

Inventing Religion – Parshat Behar

In life, it's not what you say, it's who you are.

Mystical Worlds – Ki Tissa

Why is the word for a 'thing' in Hebrew - 'davar' - from the same root as the word for 'speech' - 'dibbur? As solid as 'things' seem, they are no more than God 'speaking' them - keeping them in existence by His word.

Boycott Israel? – Parshat Vayechi

The BDS lobby is a powerful force in world politics. Where does its power come from?