Chumash Vayikra19 Videos

Tying the Knot – Parshat Vayikra

The Book of Vayikra begins a series of complex laws about the service of the Holy Temple, but even though the laws of the Torah are precise, they require individual creativity.

Inventing Religion – Parshat Behar

In life, it's not what you say, it's who you are.

The Promise of the Land – Parshat Bechukotai

As long as Yisrael does not dwell on its Land, the Land does not give her fruits as she is accustomed. When she will begin to flower again, however, and give of her fruits, this is a clear sign that the end — the time of the Redemption — is approaching when all of Yisrael will return to its Land. The Maharsha

Comfort in Time of Loss – Parshat Tazria

What's the connection between working in a recording studio and eating non-kosher food?