Chumash Shmot34 Videos

The Great ‘Blander’ – Parshat Tetzave

If you had your choice, would you choose to live in a world with the potential for great good but the danger of great evil, or a blend of the two resulting in a great blandness?

Mystical Worlds – Ki Tissa

Why is the word for a 'thing' in Hebrew - 'davar' - from the same root as the word for 'speech' - 'dibbur? As solid as 'things' seem, they are no more than God 'speaking' them - keeping them in existence by His word.

Do You Believe in God? – Parshat Teruma

Each one of us can make our lives a space of holiness and feel the presence of God. Here's how...

The Ultimate Labor Saver – Parshat Vayakhel

Man has always dreamed about a robot that would do everything for him. But the ultimate labor saver has been around for more than three thousand years.