Chumash Shmot34 Videos

How the Japanese Saved the Jews – Parshat Yitro

During World War II some 40,000 Jews found themselves under Japanese occupation in Manchuria, China and countries of South East Asia. Virtually all of them survived the war, but the Germans repeatedly pressured the Japanese to implement their "Final Solution." This is a famous story of how The Amshinover Rebbe, zt"l dissuaded the Japanese from complying with Hitler's dictate.

Weapons of Mass Distraction – Parshat Mishpatim

If the original sound of the giving of the Torah never fades, how come we don't hear it anymore?

The Great ‘Blander’ – Parshat Tetzave

If you had your choice, would you choose to live in a world with the potential for great good but the danger of great evil, or a blend of the two resulting in a great blandness?

Mystical Worlds – Ki Tissa

Why is the word for a 'thing' in Hebrew - 'davar' - from the same root as the word for 'speech' - 'dibbur? As solid as 'things' seem, they are no more than God 'speaking' them - keeping them in existence by His word.