Harry’s Video Blog

243 Videos

Justice, Justice, You Shall Pursue: Parshat Shoftim

“Justice, justice, you shall pursue” is a very famous phrase. But what does it mean?

Humble Pie: Parshat Yitro

Moses shows us that we have to run away from, not toward honor.

Does G-d Have a Sense of Humor?: Parshat Shelach

Don’t miss one of the most incredible conversations in human history.

Jewish Education: Parshat Bereishit

We know that G-d confronted Cain after he killed his brother Abel. But how did Adam and Eve find out what had happened?

Class Action: Yom Kippur

You have the opportunity to represent those who are similarly situated

Travel Advisory: Parshat Emor

Something to think about while traveling….

The Protector: Parshat Vayigash

There Is Something Incredible Hidden in Plain Sight in This Week’s Torah Portion.