Harry’s Video Blog

243 Videos

You’re Right, Now Apologize: Parshat Korach

You were in an argument. You were right. They were wrong. Watch to find out why YOU should apologize.

Dayenu: Passover

How would it “have been enough for us” if G-d had not parted the sea or taken us through it on dry land?

The Psychopath: Rosh Hashana

A memorable story from a summer long ago.

The Cheat Code: Parshat Bechukotai

Want to work fewer hours, with less aggravation?

You’re So Vain: Parshat Shelach

Don’t spend too much time in front of the mirror.

It’s Not Too Late: Parshat Bo

Why does G-d tell Moses to warn Pharoah again after hardening Pharoah’s heart?

Nice Guys Finish First: Parshat Bo

How did the Egyptians eat while immobilized during the plague of darkness?

Just Do Them: Parshat Balak

Mitzvot are incredibly powerful, even if done for the wrong reasons.