Harry’s Video Blog

243 Videos

Happy Wife, Wealthy Husband: Parshat Bereishit

The better we treat others, the better G-d treats us.

Welcome To the Team: Parshat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim

We start working for the Boss from a young age. (Stay tuned until the end for a special guest appearance.)

The Cold Side of the Pillow: Purim

Find the cold side of the pillow, then relax.

My New Alarm Clock: Elul

Anyone else want to sign up for a game-changing resolution?

#Thankful: Parshat Vayetzei

Don't celebrate Thanksgiving only once a year.

See Something, Say Something: Parshat Balak

Should I have said something to the guy on the plane?

All Hail the Chief: Parshat Bo

Here is an interesting lesson about respect.