Harry’s Video Blog

245 Videos

The Story of Harry Rothenberg, Esq. on Meaningful People

Ohr Somayach alumnus, Harry Rothenberg Esq. speaks on meaningful people.

Day In, Day Out: Parshat Pinchas

Stay tuned until the end for an incredible story….

Candy From a Baby: Parshat Beha’alotcha

We have to always look for mitzvah opportunities.

The Unsafe Lane Change: Parshat Bamidbar

We have to always be aware of our surroundings.

The Cheat Code: Parshat Bechukotai

Want to work fewer hours, with less aggravation?

Telltale Signs: Parshat Behar

How can you tell whether you really believe in G-d?

Work It Out: Parshat Kedoshim

Criticism is an art form, and an obligation.

Say Something: Parshat Acharei Mot

The Jewish people are under attack. Don’t stay on the sidelines.