Harry’s Video Blog – Video

Harry’s Video Blog

271 Videos

The Story of Harry Rothenberg, Esq. on Meaningful People

Ohr Somayach alumnus, Harry Rothenberg Esq. speaks on meaningful people.

Hostage Release: Parshat Bo

A time for mourning and a time for joy.

Gratitude: Parshat Va’eira

We have so many opportunities to say thank you.

No Words: Parshat Vayechi

Jacob’s master class in self-restraint.

What If?: Parshat Vayigash

A lesson from Saquon Barkley’s historic season.

Not Me: Parshat Mikeitz/Chanukah

Joseph’s Chanukah lesson for all of us.

The Haunted Hotel: Parshat Vayishlach

What is it like to spend a night in the former headquarters of Hitler Youth?

Forever Young: Parshat Vayeitzei

What is the secret to extending your life?

The Wake-up Call: Parshat Toldot

Why did G-d make sure that Jacob would have to resort to trickery in order to get the blessings of prosperity?