Study In Israel

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J101 »
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J101 is a ten month program open to male Jewish college students and young professionals, who have the desire to explore Judaism in depth. J101 will demonstrate how exciting and relevant Judaism can be in the 21st century. No prior religious background or commitment is required.
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JLE Summer/Winter Tour »
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Be part of Ohr Somayach's internationally recognized Glassman Jewish Learning Exchange. Thousands of students from around the world have already taken part in the 2-week summer and 2-week winter programs (Option to extend for free). Scholarships are available to qualifying students.
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    JLE - Summer/Winter in Israel
jInternship »
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jInternship is a unique opportunity to develop Jewish identity and knowledge (in either Shoresh or Mechina) together with exciting work experience in top Israeli business, high tech, and social services.

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JLE Connect »
  JLE Connect
Mechina »
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This program is for students looking to grapple with and explore Jewish text for the first time.

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The Center for Torah Studies »
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For college graduates or students in college who are shomer mitzvos and have made a commitment to learn in the program for a minimum of six months.

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  The Center for Torah Studies
Renewal Program »
  • Grew up Frum, but never knew why you should be religious?
  • Kept Shabbos, but couldn't wait for it to end?
  • Learning Gemara, but just going through the motions?
The New OS Renewal Program might be your ticket to get back on track!

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Main Beis Midrash »
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For graduates of the Intermediate, Derech and Center Programs or for new advanced students who are seriously committed to growth in learning and shmiras hamitzvos.

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  Derech Institute for Torah Studies
Ohr Lagolah »
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For advanced students who either have rabbinic ordination (יורה יורה) or are candidates for semicha and/or advanced students who want to receive a teaching degree or who wish to go into professional kiruv work.

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  Ohr Lagolah

Post High School

Derech »
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For post high school students who are committed to mitzvah observance and are interested in becoming independent in Talmud skills and dealing with basic issues of Judaism.

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  Derech Institute for Torah Studies
Pisga   Pisga
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A customised Yeshiva year for the South African & Australian post high school students.
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Executive Renewal Program »  
Mentors Mission »
Ohr Somayach International is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation (letter on file) EIN 13-3503155 and your donation is tax deductable.