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3 Weeks in Israel
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November 7 - November 10, 2024 (Weekend Retreat in the Chicago area - $89)
December 25 - January 5, 2025 (Israel Volunteer Mission - $499)
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(subject to change)

The Glassman Jewish Learning Experience has run for more than thirty years with the perfect blend of good fun, spiritual inspiration, Jewish learning and the adventure of touring throughout Israel. The following is a summary of the itinerary:

SUNDAY, DEC 16 Leave for Israel
MONDAY, DEC 17 Arrival
Welcome Meal
TUESDAY, DEC 18 Learning Program
City Of David
WEDNESDAY, DEC 19 Learning Program
Blind Museum
THURSDAY, DEC 20 Learning Program
Bar Kochba Cave
FRIDAY, DEC 21 Free Time
Bus to Western Wall
SATURDAY, DEC 22 Shabbat in Jerusalem
Kotel Tunnel Tours
SUNDAY, DEC 23 Learning Program
Fast Day
Dinner at Gush Winery
MONDAY, DEC 24 Learning Program
Hike in the Judean Desert
TUESDAY, DEC 25 Segway around Old City
Learning Program
Mentors gala dinner
WEDNESDAY, DEC 26 Special Learning Program
Jeep Ride to Dead Sea
THURSDAY, DEC 27 Four day tour to the North:
Hot Springs of Tiberius
FRIDAY, DEC 28 Gamla
SATURDAY, DEC 29 Shabbat at Kinar 5 Star Hotel
Night Time Visit to Meron - Live Music
SUNDAY, DEC 30 Up North
Golan Heights
MONDAY, DEC 31 Learning Program
Depart Monday Night

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