The Gun that Jammed « The Human Side of the Story « Ohr Somayach

The Human Side of the Story

For the week ending 12 February 2011 / 7 Adar I 5771

The Gun that Jammed

by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach zt'l
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Miracles still happen! Take the case of the Mori Family. A terrorist infiltrated a home in Moshav Maor, east of Hadera but was killed before he could carry out his murderous designs. He managed to enter the home of Roland and Larissa Mori, and even to fire one bullet. At that point, however, his gun jammed, and Roland yelled for his wife to escape while he began throwing dishes and other objects at the terrorist. After Roland also escaped, two neighbors arrived on the scene and made sure that the terrorist did not leave the house.

They later recounted that they saw his gun and heard him attempting to operate it, and even called to him to leave, but he closed the door of the room and did not come out. Their efforts were critical in ensuring that the incident did not become a community-wide alarm, but was rather restricted to one house. Large army forces then arrived and surrounded the house, and after three hours, when the terrorist approached the front door, they let out a burst of gunfire and killed him. A Kalachnikov rifle, of the kind distributed to the Palestinian police several years ago, was found on his person, together with four full magazines. Police and army officials praised the quick response of the local residents.

Quick response is important but it took a miracle to save the Moris.

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