Wine for Mashiach
Some activists in the area of observing the laws of Shmitah (the seventh year in which regular agricultural activity is proscribed) were invited into the home of a farmer who was filled with thanks to Heaven for having carefully observed the demanding laws of Shmitah for the entire year. In celebration he offered them a drink from a bottle of very expensive wine. Unwilling to have their host incur such an expense they suggested that he save the wine for another occasion.
When the farmer insisted on serving the wine, his guests came up with an idea: "Don't open that bottle until Mashiach comes so that you can honor him with the wine you bought in honor of your Shmitah observance."
The farmer excitedly accepted the suggestion and placed the bottle into one of his wooden cabinets on which he placed a large sign stating that the wine inside was reserved for Mashiach.
Soon after this a fire broke out in the farmer's home and destroyed everything inside except for that highly flammable wooden cabinet containing the wine for Mashiach.