Parsha Q&A

For the week ending 3 August 2024 / 28 Tammuz 5784

Parshat Masei

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  1. Why does the Torah list the places where the Jewish People camped?
  2. Why did the King of Arad feel at liberty to attack the Jewish People?
  3. What length was the camp in the midbar?
  4. Why does the Torah need to specify the boundaries that are to be inherited by the Jewish People?
  5. What was the nesi'im's role in dividing the Land?
  6. When did the three cities east of the Jordan begin to function as refuge cities?
  7. There were six refuge cities, three on each side of the Jordan. Yet, on the east side of the Jordan there were only two and a half tribes. Why did they need three cities?
  8. To be judged as an intentional murderer, what type of weapon must the murderer use?
  9. Why is the kohen gadol blamed for accidental deaths?
  10. When an ancestral field moves by inheritance from one tribe to another, what happens to it in Yovel?

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.


  1. Why does the Torah list the places where the Jewish People camped?
    33:1 - To show G-d's love of the Jewish People. Although it was decreed that they wander in the desert, they did not travel continuously. During 38 years, they moved only 20 times.
  2. Why did the King of Arad feel at liberty to attack the Jewish People?
    33:40 - When Aharon died, the clouds of glory protecting the Jewish People departed.
  3. What length was the camp in the midbar?
    33:49 - Twelve mil (one mil is 2,000 amot).
  4. Why does the Torah need to specify the boundaries that are to be inherited by the Jewish People?
    34:2 - Because certain mitzvot apply only in the Land.
  5. What was the nesi'im's role in dividing the Land?
    34:17 - Each nasi represented his tribe. He also allocated the inheritance to each family in his tribe.
  6. When did the three cities east of the Jordan begin to function as refuge cities?
    35:13 - After Yehoshua separated three cities west of the Jordan.
  7. There were six refuge cities, three on each side of the Jordan. Yet, on the east side of the Jordan there were only two and a half tribes. Why did they need three cities?
    35:14 - Because murders were more common there.
  8. To be judged as an intentional murderer, what type of weapon must the murderer use?
    35:16 - One capable of inflicting lethal injury.
  9. Why is the kohen gadol blamed for accidental deaths?
    35:25 - He should have prayed that such things not occur.
  10. When an ancestral field moves by inheritance from one tribe to another, what happens to it in Yovel?
    36:4 - It remains with the new tribe.

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