Simcha's Torah Stories - Beshalach

Parshat Beshalach
"Time to get up and dressed. Come, everyone, get up. You don't want to be late for school."
"I'll wash my hands first. Then I can bring you the water and the bowl."
"Thank you so much, Chaim."
"I already have my tallis katan on."
"Wonderful, Sruli."
"Everyone seems to be moving along. How are you doing Miri?"
"I can't get dressed by myself, Imma. Help me."
"What do you need help with Miri?"
"I can't find my stockings. Waaaaaaa."
"Why are you crying, Miri?"
"I can't find my stockings. I need help getting dressed. Help me. Waaaaaaa."
"Miri, you are eight years old now. I truly believe that you can get dressed by yourself. You just have to put your mind to it."
"Help me. Find my stockings for me. Waaaaaaa."
"Let me tell you a story, Miri. Let's see if you are still crying after you hear this."
"Okay Imma."
"Do you know what happened at the Yam Suf?"
"Sure, Imma. It split. It is in this week's parsha, Beshallach."
"Right, Miri. What happened before it split?"
"All of the Jewish people were standing there at the edge of the sea. The Mitzrim were behind them, and the sea in front of them. They were trapped with no place to go."
"What did they do, Miri?"
"They cried out to Hashem. They cried out to Moshe Rabbeinu. They were afraid that they would die right then and there."
"Very good Miri. What was Hashem's response to their crying?"
"Umm. I don't remember."
"He said to Moshe, 'Why do you cry out to me?' (Shemos 14:15)."
"That's pretty unusual. Hashem wants us to cry out to Him in times of distress."
"Exactly, Miri. Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman zt"l, who is known to us as the Ramban, explains that this was not a time to cry out."
"Why Imma?"
"Because Hashem had already told them what would happen. In verse four Hashem says that He will be glorified through Paroh and his entire army."
"What does that mean Imma?"
"He would destroy the entire Egyptian army in a manner that would bring glory to His Name."
"Therefore, the Ramban explains there was no reason to cry. Moshe should have told them to go forward into the sea."
"I understand Imma. What you are saying is that there is a time for crying and a time for action."
"Wonderful Miri! That is exactly the point that I am trying to bring out. The time to cry out is when we are suffering, confused, or when we need direction from Hashem." However, when we know clearly what to do, we have to take action. That is not the time for crying."
"I already know what you are going to tell me Imma."
"What, Miri?"
"When I am getting dressed in the morning is no time for crying."
"Right again, Miri."
"If you cannot find your stockings, then what should you do?"
"Open up the drawer and start looking for them."
"Perfect, Miri. You know what to do. Therefore, there is no need to cry."
"Imma, you are such a wise person. Who ever thought that we can learn how to behave in the morning from the Yam Suf."
"Miri, the Torah is a book of instructions on how to live your life. Ever word of the Torah was written by Hashem to teach us something. It is as relevant today as it was 3300 years ago when it was given."
"Look, Imma. Here are my stockings."
"Wonderful, Miri. I am sure that you will have no problem dressing by yourself, now."
"Do you know why Imma?"
"Because I stopped crying and took action."
Ohr Somayach's Youth Page
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Michael Treblow