For the week ending 19 July 2003 / 19 Tammuz 5763
Parshat Pinchas
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- 25:13 - Kehuna (priesthood) was given to Aharon and his sons (not grandsons), and to any of their descendants born after they were anointed. Pinchas, Aharon's grandson, was born prior to the anointing.
- 25:18 - For the sake of Ruth, a future descendant of Moav.
- 26:5 - That the families were truly children of their tribe.
- 26:10 - That kehuna was given forever to Aharon and his sons, and that no one should ever dispute this.
- 26:11 - Because they repented.
- 26:13,16,24,38,39,42 - Zerach, Ozni, Yashuv, Achiram, Shfufam, Shucham.
- 26:46 - Serach bat Asher
- 26:53 - Seven years. Seven years.
- 26:55 - Two portions. That is, the four cousins merit four portions among them. These four portions are then split among them as if their fathers were inheriting them; i.e., two portions to one father and two portions to the other father.
- 26:24,56 - They came down to Mitzrayim in their mothers' wombs.
- 26:64 - In the incident of the meraglim, only the men wished to return to Egypt. The women wanted to enter Eretz Yisrael.
- 27:1 - Love for Eretz Yisrael.
- 27:1 - To teach that they were equal in greatness.
- 27:3 - Rabbi Akiva says that Tzlofchad gathered sticks on Shabbat. Rabbi Shimon says that Tzlofchad was one who tried to enter Eretz Yisrael after the sin of the meraglim.
- 27:16 - He was asking G-d, who knows the multitude of dispositions among the Jewish People, to appoint a leader who can deal with each person on that person's level.
- 27:20 - That Yehoshua's face beamed like the moon.
- 28:3 - At a spot opposite the sun. The morning offering was slaughtered on the west side of the slaughtering area and the afternoon offering on the east side.
- 28:15 - For unnoticed ritual impurity of the Sanctuary or its vessels.
- 28:26 - The Shavuot double-bread offering was the first wheat-offering made from the new crop.
- 29:18 - The seventy nations.