For the week ending 17 January 2009 / 21 Tevet 5769
Milk and Honey
When Moshe was instructed to bring the message of redemption from Egyptian bondage he was told to convey the Divine promise to bring the people "up from that land to a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey".
This poetic description of Eretz Yisrael, which will be heard in synagogues this week, has an interesting explanation offered by the great commentator, the Ramban.
He sees a connection between the first part of the description and the second. Not only is it a good land with a pleasant climate and desirable features, but it is also a spacious land with adequate living space. Such a land will produce healthy animals that will provide plenty of milk and fruits rich and sweet as honey.
Even today we can appreciate the special blessings of our homeland and pray that we be privileged to enjoy Israel forever.