Shade of Faith « Ask! « Ohr Somayach


For the week ending 26 September 2015 / 13 Tishri 5776

Shade of Faith

by Rabbi Yirmiyahu Ullman -
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From: Gary

Dear Rabbi,

Why is the holiday of Succot and the succah associated with happiness? Personally I view being exposed to the elements or other dangers to be unsettling, at the least.

Dear Gary,

The way of the nations is not the way of Israel. It is the way of most people to feel secure and unafraid when under the shelter of their own roofs. On emerging from their homes their sense of security is diminished and they begin to feel fear.

Israel, however, is different. While in their own homes the whole year they are concerned lest they become haughty and forget G-d. When Succot comes, and they leave their homes to enter the shade of the succah, their hearts are filled with faith, trust and joy. Since now they are shielded not by their roofs but by the shadow of their faith and trust in G-d.

This may be compared to a person who locks himself up at home for fear of robbers. Regardless of the strength of his locks, he remains afraid lest the robbers find a way in. Once he hears the proclamation of the king and his retinue announcing for all to emerge from their homes to join the king, he is no longer afraid. He opens his doors and joyously emerges to behold the king. He knows that wherever the king is found, robbers are not. Thus, he is filled with tranquility and joy.

So too Israel, when they are in their homes throughout the year, surrounded by material comfort, they are afraid lest indulgence sneak in and rob them of their connection with G-d. But during Succot, when G-d calls the Jews forth to celebrate the bounty given them by G-d, to be together with their Divine King and with the righteous Patriarchs who are present in the succah, they are serenely confident that their closeness with G-d will not be diminished. On the contrary, it grows day by day through the seven days of Succot and crescendos on Simchat Torah!

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