Ohr Somayach - Sandton

1 Shingwetzi Rd, Cnr. Mooiriver, Gallo Manor, Sandton
P.O. Box 1433, Gallo Manor, 2052
* Tel: (011) 804-5563 * Fax: (011) 887-7092 * Pager: 804-2777 code: Rabbi
Rabbi Ze'ev Kraines
Yahrtzeit Board
Dear Congregants
As you were informed via the mail, the Shul is in the process of establishing a Yahrtzeit board, which will take the form of a board with plaques and lights.
We hope to have the project completed before Rosh Hashana an then the board will be prominently displayed in the Shul or foyer.
The cost per plaque will be R1000.00 and the light will be lit in the week of the Yahrtzeit.
If you would like to contribute to this lasting memorial, please contact Stephen Segal at 804-3312, or fill in a copy of the form below and deposit in the grey box in Rabbi's office with your payment(s).
Name of Deceased | Hebrew Name | Date of Death (English/Hebrew) | Before/After Sunset |
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Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.