Mine are the Eyes of Bar Yochai

Mine Are the Eyes of Bar Yochai
by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach
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The accompanying poem, "Mine Are the Eyes of Bar Yochai," recalls the Talmudic account of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who hid in a cave from the Romans after the Bar Kochba rebellion was crushed in the second century CE. For 12 years, Rabbi Shimon and his son Rabbi Elazar lived off the fruit of a carob tree while studying Torah together and, according to popular tradition, developing the Zohar, the major work of Jewish mysticism. When the danger of Roman retribution had passed, the two emerged from their cave to find a world of men engaged in plowing, planting and reaping.
"How can men thus forsake eternal life to indulge themselves in a transient one?" shouted Rabbi Shimon when he realized that his fellow Jews were not continuously occupied in Torah study.A Heavenly voice answered: "Have you come out to destroy my world? Return to your cave!"
Another year passed, and the two once again emerged from the cave. This time Rabbi Shimon was ready to accept the ways of men, but his son was not. "It is sufficient for the world," Rabbi Shimon pleaded, "that the two of us study Torah without interruption."
But Rabbi Elazar remained unconvinced.
Until one Friday afternoon, just before the sunset was to usher in the Sabbath. They saw an old man running home, his arms clutching two bunches of myrtle blossoms.
"What are these for?" they asked him.
"In honor of the Sabbath."
"Isn't one sufficient?"
"One of them," the old man explained, "is for the Heavenly command of Zachor, 'remember' the Sabbath to keep it holy; the other is for the second command, Shamor,' observe' the Sabbath by ceasing from all creative labor."
"See how much love the Jews have for their commandments!" Rabbi Shimon exclaimed, and at last his son was reconciled.
Tractate Shabbat 33
Elsewhere, the Talmud notes that Rabbi Shimon, whose total immersion in Torah study even exempted him from the requirement of regular prayers, once disputed the opinion of Rabbi Yishmael, who believed that man could combine the study of Torah with a worldly occupation.
Rabbi Shimon asked: "If a man plows in the plowing season, sows in the sowing season, reaps in the reaping season, threshes in the threshing season and winnows in the season of wind, what is to become of the Torah? But, when Israel performs the will of God, their work is performed by others" ... Said Abaye: "Many have followed the advice of Rabbi Yishmael and it has worked well; others have followed Rabbi Shimon and it has not been successful."
Tractate Berachot 35
Mine are the eyes of Bar Yochai They see about them Yet look beyond |
Which bore them to be its masters And heirs on that day when all landscapes Will fade into a patient horizon
They look
Time, vengefully strangled by the hands Of a clock whose tireless ticking drowns out The sweet murmur of eternity |
Mine are the eyes of Bar Yochai They see men Yet seek angels |
Which lies on weary Earth like A comforting blanket to be clutched When weekday nightmare ends
They look
The twin symbols of a frail beauty That only blooms till another sunset and Fading, leaves a fragrance for lesser days |
Mine are the eyes of Bar Yochai They see foothills Yet seek mountains |
Whispering to him their prayer of perfect faith In a sublime thought or gesture of kindness Which paints his portrait on Earthly canvas
They seek
His wisdom and word project on a screen For mind alone to see - and seeing, finds Dimensions long outlined by heart |
Mine are the eyes of Bar Yochai They see earth Yet seek heaven |
My royal road to perfection Forced to admit the reality Of a world that is but illusion
They seek
Who know that the Levite gift Of freedom from Earthly needs Is due each true servant of God |
Mine are the eyes of Bar Yochai They set history Yet seek eternity |
Produced by Ohr Somayach Office of Communications, Rabbi Eliezer Shapiro, Director
General Editor: Rabbi Moshe Newman
Production Design: Lev Seltzer
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
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