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All results matching "Jew, Word, Origin"

(Words under 4 letters are ignored)

Found 350 records.
Showing Results for 'Jew, Word, Origin'

 Pet, Judaism
 Breaking a Plate at Engagement
       Family Tree Info
 Marriage Engagement Party
       Vort, Definition
       Engagement Party
 Cleaning a Shofar
       Shofar, Cleaning
 Talmud, History, Origin
       Kabbalah, Origin & Explanation
       Oral Law, Explanation
       Mishnah, History, Origin
 Brachas, Why 100 per Day?
       One Hundre Brachas per Day, Why?
       100 Brachas per Day, Why?
 Letters, Torah, Vowels
       Torah, Vowels
       Vowels, Torah
 Cholent, Follow-up 2
       Shabbat, Cholent, Follow-up 2
 Mother's Milk, Kosher
       Kosher, Mother's Milk
 Hebrew, Definition
 Name, Rivkah, Meaning
       Sarah, Meaning of Name
       Name, Sarah, Meaning
       Name, Leah, Meaning
       Name, Rachel, Meaning
       Leah, Meaning of Name
       Rivkah, Meaning of Name
       Rachel, Meaning of Name
       Foremother's Names, Meaning
 Hip Hip Hurrah; Antisemetic Origins
       Hurrah, Hip Hip; Antisemetic Origins
 God's Name, Reading Book in Bathroom
       Book With God's Name, Reading in Bathroom
       Restroom, Reading Book With God's Name
       Water Closet, Reading Book With God's Name
       Bathroom, Reading Book With God's Name
 Braided Challah
       Bread, Braided
       Challah, Braided
 Mazel Tov, meaning
 Verbal Agreements
       Yes, Honest
       Agreements, Verbal
 Star Trek, Mr. Spock
       Mr. Spock & Star Trek

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