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All results matching "Candles, Shabbat, Time"

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Found 994 records.
Showing Results for 'Candles, Shabbat, Time'

 Funeral, Traditions
 Pairs Causing Spiritual Damage
       Spiritual Damage Caused by Even Numbers
       Zugot (Pairs) Causing Spiritual Damage
       Even Numbers Causing Spiritual Damage
 Lien, Saying Shehecheyanu on Car With A
       Shehecheyanu, Saying on Car with Lien
 Luz Bone
 Staying Up All Night, Shavuos
       Shavuos, Staying Up All Night
       Sleeping, Not, Shavuos Night
 God in the Workplace
       Work, Involving God
 Population Explosion
 Praying for People to Repent & Free Will
       Free Will & Praying for People to Repent
 Shoes of the Deceased
 Depression, Available Resources
 Cleaning the Priestly Clothing
       Cleansers in the Talmud
       Priestly Clothing, Cleaning
       Soap in the Talmud
 Bedtime Shema: Reading & Talking Afterwards; Women's Obligation to Say
       Women's Obligation to Say Bedtime Shema
       Hamapil: Reading & Talking Afterwards; Women's Obligation to Say
       Shema, Bedtime: Reading & Talking Afterwards; Women's Obligation to Say
       Reading After Bedtime Shema
       Talking After Bedtime Shema
 Turkey, Kosher
       Kosher Turkey
 Feelings, Others', Judging
       Judging Others' Feelings
 Flood, End of, Why did Noah Get Drunk
       Noah, Why did he Get Drunk
 Monetary Loss, Yarmulke
       Kipah, Obligation / Monetary Loss
       Head Covering, Men, Obligation / Monetary Loss
       Yarmulke, Obligation / Monetary Loss
 Dining Out
 Mezuzah, Moving into a Home
 Various Purim Topics
 Passover, Selling Chametz, Why Allowed?
       Chametz, Selling, Why Allowed?
       Selling Chametz, Why Allowed?
       Pesach, Selling Chametz, Why Allowed?
 Torah, Study, Justification
 Praying, While Sitting in a Plane
       Davening, In a Plane

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