A Mystical Look at the ‘Rest’ of Chanukah

Rabbi Avraham Reisman, Rosh Kollel at Ohr Somayach, deepens our understanding of the meaning of rest. Is rest the end of work, or the beginning of a new era?

Inheritance and Bequest – Parshat Re’eh

The only thing we have to give is the giving itself – everything else belongs to G-d Please click below to see additional formats:

Stress is Good For You! – Parshat Vayeshev

Researchers believe that some stress can help to fortify the immune system. For instance, stress can improve how your heart works and protect your body from infection. But on a deeper level, rising to challenges and overcoming them is the essence of life.

Is G-d Fair?: Parshat Yitro

Why was Moses’ father-in-law so impressed by the story of the Exodus?

See Something, Say Something: Parshat Balak

Should I have said something to the guy on the plane?