Parsha450 Videos

Are the Jews Traitors? – Parshat Shemot

A common accusation against Jews is that they hold a divided loyalty. This is true but it's not the divided loyalty that most people think.

How Long Is the Coast of Britain? – Parshat Vayishlach

Life's difficulties are proportionate to the scale you give them.

Extras in Our Own Epic – Parshat Balak

There’s something unusual about Parshat Balak. It’s the only parsha in the Torah where the Jewish People, the “stars of the show” seem to only have a “walk-on” part. We see Bilam and Balak close up as they plot to destroy the Jewish People, but Israel is only seen in the background – almost off-camera. Why is this?

Silence and Solitude – Parshat Vayishlach

Positive role models can only take us so far in our search for maturity. How do we step into the shoes of our mentors and become role models for others?

“It’s Not What You Say…” – Parshat Ki Teitzei

Apparently, the Chafetz Chaim zt"l, was not a brilliant orator, however he was extremely compelling to listen to. What gave him this power?

Seeing Is Believing – Parshat Vaera

It's all too easy to go through life without actually seeing what is all around us.

Dreaming the Dream – Parshat Vayeishev

Jews have always been dreamers. Why is it that so often our dreams don't come true?

Catch the Wind – Parshat Noach

If we have a spirit inside us, why don't we see it?

Allegiance to the Monarch – Parshat Vayelech

Last year was the Shmitta (Sabbatical) year. When the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temple) stood, at the end of the Shmitta year during the festival of Sukkot, the king would read from the Torah to the entire nation. This mitzva symbolized his kingship. Is it mere coincidence that the year of the coronation of King Charles III coincides with this mitzva?