Chumash Bereshit34 Videos

How Long Is the Coast of Britain? – Parshat Vayishlach

Life's difficulties are proportionate to the scale you give them.

Silence and Solitude – Parshat Vayishlach

Positive role models can only take us so far in our search for maturity. How do we step into the shoes of our mentors and become role models for others?

Dreaming the Dream – Parshat Vayeishev

Jews have always been dreamers. Why is it that so often our dreams don't come true?

Catch the Wind – Parshat Noach

If we have a spirit inside us, why don't we see it?

Why Pray? – Parshat Vayetze

How can a Jew pray three times a day with almost exactly the same words? What if I don't WANT to pray? Am I supposed to open my heart with a can opener? Am I some kind of robot? Watch this video to find out the answer.

Why Is It So Hard to Be Good? – Parshat Chayei Sarah

If being close to God is the ultimate pleasure. Why did He make it so difficult?