Harry’s Video Blog

234 Videos

The Hole in the Wall: Parshat Chukat

It’s so important to control our tempers.

Counting Weeks: Sefirat HaOmer

What is the significance of counting the weeks in addition to the days between Passover and Shavuot?

Don’t Give Up: Parshat Va’eira

G-d teaches Moses - and us - an incredibly important lesson to remember when things are not going well.

Priorities: Parshat Mattot-Masei

What can we learn from the connection between the negligent killer and the High Priest?

Halloween in August? Parshat Ki Tavo

Little did I know that missing my exit would lead to a such an interesting discovery.

Is G-d Fair?: Parshat Yitro

Why was Moses’ father-in-law so impressed by the story of the Exodus?

The Playbook: Parshat Vayigash

Here is Joseph’s manual for how to act and not to act after you have been wronged by someone.

Ask the Right Question: Tisha B’Av

We can handle pain. But contradictions torture us.

The Pitch Clock: Parshat Tazria-Metzora

A new rule in baseball and a lesson to remember.

The Flamethrower: Parshat Vayigash

What can we learn from Joseph’s dramatic revelation of his true identity to his brothers?