Irrepressibly Optimistic

A Pesach message from the Rosh Yeshiva

Four More Questions

A Pesach message from the Rosh Yeshiva

Taking the Goats Out for a Spin: Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei

A missing word leads to a beautiful lesson and a special shout-out.

Pesach – The Sentinel

Every Pesach, we see ourselves as though we are leaving Egypt once again. How can we relate to this idea in the modern world in which we live?

A First Class Ticket

There is no privilege without responsibilty. Being Jewish is a privilege - but it is also a responsibility.

The Voice of Jacob (Weekly Parsha – Toldos)

Please click below on “show more” to see additional formats: Rabbi Sinclair’s book on the weekly Parsha – Rabbi Sinclair’s on-line art gallery –