Over the last six years, Rabbi Yehuda Spitz’s “Insights Into Halacha” column has made authentic halacha readable and accessible to all. The combination of his trademark style, engaging the reader with his humor and wit, the comprehensive portrayal of diverse and fascinating contemporary halachic topics, and clarity of presentation, offers scholar and layman alike the opportunity to develop an appreciation and understanding of the intricate and complex halachic process.

Ohr Somayach International is working on publishing the first volume of Rabbi Spitz’s halacha writings (in English) as a sefer.

We are offering you the opportunity to partner with us in this project. Anyone who donates $120 or more will receive a copy of the sefer in addition to a Supporter listing or Dedication.

Tzedakah and / or maiser money may be used as the sefer will be a tool for harbotzas haTorah.
All donations are U.S. tax deductible. If you require a tax receipt for Israel, the U.K. or Canada - please contact ryspitzsefer@ohr.edu before you make your donation.

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For more information please contact ryspitzsefer@ohr.edu

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